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Reasons to do Reiki

Reasons to do Reiki:

Raise your vibration

Get sick less

Stay in your own emotions

Have a volume control on how you feel

Preventative care versus recovery

Inner peace

Feels good

World Peace

Help animals

Help others

Healthy lifestyle

Good habits


Adds a positive level to meditations, yoga, Tai Chi, and exercise.

Preventative Care versus Recovery

Many people only know how to come home and melt into their couch after a long day. They're tired and their personal gas tank is on empty. They push through the have to’s of eating dinner or doing laundry, but it's not like they're “energized” when they get home from work. If you use Reiki to shield much of the negative energy during your day, you could come home and still have energy to do what you desire in the evening. Especially if you add in some Reiki raising vibration. It's preventative care versus recovery care. You would be anticipating your energy needs and preventing losing the needed energy earlier in the day. So, when you go home at night, there is energy for your personal life; to enjoy a nice dinner, do an activity, play, read a book, or get to spend quality time with your family or play fetch with your dog. Everyone in your home will notice the energy shift. It is much faster and easier to prevent the loss of energy than to replace it.

Volume control on how you feel

Many people that I work with are sensitive. Some are very empathic. Some, just sensitive. Some, your average Joe's. No matter, this is something that benefits many. When out in public, some need to bring their energy back in close to their body and protect it. Doing this allows them to be less affected by the energies of others. Then, on that same note, when they are somewhere they want to be open, they can turn their volume up. Like in nature, where they could feel safe to open themselves up to the natural energy of the woods. Having a volume control on your sensitivity level is a helpful life habit that's easy to teach with Reiki.

I have not found a way for students to do this without the use of Reiki. I teach five ways to protect your energy in Reiki class, and in the Master Reiki class there are even stronger techniques taught.

By raising your vibration with regular Reiki habits, you would have a stronger and healthier boundary of energy. Your life force would be stronger, allowing you to stay in your own emotions, instead of being easily swayed by what is happening around you at work, school, or in the world – thus keeping many sensitives from falling into their old trap of overwhelm.


Intuition is a form of knowledge that appears in consciousness without obvious deliberation. It is not magical but rather a faculty in which hunches are generated by the unconscious mind rapidly sifting through past experience and cumulative knowledge.

Often referred to as “gut feelings,” intuition tends to arise holistically and quickly, without awareness of the underlying mental processing of information. Scientists have repeatedly demonstrated how information can register on the brain without conscious awareness and positively influence decision-making and other behavior.

Reiki increases this natural ability within ourselves and it happens over time as the Reiki grows within you and you use your Reiki. It increases better decision-making skills and ability.

High Vibrations

Having a high vibration seems to have a direct link to our immune response. We are exposed to germs every day. Most of the time we never know because our body overcomes the germs. Having a strong energy fortifies your body to allow you less sickness. Also, you can use Reiki to be more body aware. You will know when your body is fighting something. You can then take the needed time to give it the Reiki and the requirements it needs, and you can be well in 30 minutes. There is no amount of time one must be unwell. Using Reiki, you can learn to notice subtle differences in your energy and make adjustments that are best for your health and well-being.

Reiki always feels good

You get some Reiki even when you are giving it to another person. When done properly it's very relaxing to give a Reiki session to another person. Or to receive Reiki from a self-session is easy and has many benefits. Calming, relaxing, bringing an inner peace are just a few of the feelings that people express.

Here's a longer list that people often say about what Reiki feels like:

Makes them feel grateful


Makes them feel connected

Makes them feel spiritual

Like everyone is part of everything- unity


Happy and joyful

Lighter like they released stuck feelings

Releasing tension and stress

Letting go like my old story floats away on clouds

Like a light beam of sunshine through clouds brings me magic

Rested and relaxed

Tingly and light

Like I've had the best sleep ever


Worm and soothing

Like really long-lasting massage that goes through my whole body

Relief and comfort

Rested and ready for what's next.

The Reiki Energies are intelligent

So, it works with each person as an individual. The session is between Reiki energy and the client. And all outcomes are between them. To be the best practitioner you allow this to happen by staying out of the way and knowing how to be the best channel for energy to flow through. In this way, free will is always honored and soul contracts are kept in place. Without the practitioner needing to know all the details of a person's life. The practitioner cannot cause any harm using Reiki. They can do many things to become a Master Channel and very skilled at their craft. Just like any other skill, people's abilities vary greatly and so one practitioner may vary substantially from another. No different than a massage therapist or hair stylist or electrician. Do not expect all Reiki practitioners to be the same.  Some people are experts in their fields of work, and some are not.

Healthy Lifestyle

Reiki can be part of a healthy lifestyle. When a person has Reiki in the style that I teach it is always working to keep the person in balance. The energy is felt to increase during activities like yoga, meditation, Tai chi, and exercise.

Inner Peace and Gratefulness

There is a particular state of being that is discussed in Reiki class because it was an important part of Usui Sensei story.

The depth and breadth of his experiences inspired him to direct his attention toward discovering the purpose of life. In his search he came across the description of a special state of consciousness that once achieved would not only provide an understanding of one’s life purpose but would also guide one to achieve it. This special state is called An-shin Ritus-mei (pronounced on sheen dit sue may). In this special state, one is always at peace regardless of what is taking place in the outer world. And it is from this place of peace that one completes one’s life purpose. One of the special features of this state is that it maintains itself without any effort on the part of the individual; the experience of peace simply wells up spontaneously from within and is a type of enlightenment.

This Sensei understood this concept on an intellectual level and dedicated his life to achieving it; this is an important step on Usui Sensei’s spiritual path. He discovered that one path to An-shin Ritsu-mei is through the practice of Zazen meditation.

Where a wellspring of inner peace comes up into your being and is maintained by itself. This would be a state of enlightenment that many are seeking. I personally have found that this is not hard to be in a state that could be described as this. Many Reiki students and Reiki people would say that Reiki leads the way to balancing energies, to allow a state of inner peace and gratefulness.


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