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Menu of Hourly Services


Reiki Sessions                         1 hour                              $     80.00

or Soul Coaching®          1 1/2 hour (save $10)                110.00

                      2 hour (save $20)                140.00


Packages for either Reiki or Soul Coaching® sessions:

  • 5 x 1 hr for $350.00 Save 13%

  • 5 x 1 hr 30 min for $500.00 Save 10%

  • 5 x 2 hr s for $625.00 Save 11%


For Reiki training classes click here: 


For Soul Coaching® Practitioner Certification click here: 


Distant Healing Sessions:    1 hour                                   $ 60.00

Packages available:

  • 5 x 1 hr for $250.00 Save 17%

  • Any amount of time is available by the hour

    • i.e. 2 hrs x $60=$120, etc.


Soul Journeys and Past Life Regressions - 1 1/2 hr.    $ 125.00


Oracle Card Reading with Aura Clearing - 1 hr.   $ 75.00  

More Soul Coaching® Services

   and descriptions, click here: 

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